The Megaport Blog

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This Month in Cloud: Financial Benefits of Private Cloud Interconnection

This Month in Cloud: Financial Benefits of Private Cloud Interconnection

Customers choose to use AWS Direct Connect and Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, network performance, security/privacy and reduction of bandwidth costs.

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Q and A for Q-in-Q part 2

Q and A for Q-in-Q part 2

Following our last post where we discussed the concept of stacked VLAN tags (Q-in-Q) , in this second part we will focus specifically on Microsoft Azure and the ExpressRoute product offering that brings direct connectivity into the Azure public cloud environment.

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Visualising Megaport’s Network

Visualising Megaport’s Network

What do you guys do again? Here at Megaport, we offer customers several layer 2 network services on top of our layer 1 network.

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Q and A for Q-in-Q part 1

Q and A for Q-in-Q part 1

In this two part blog series, we will cover some of the basics around double-stacked VLAN tagging, otherwise known as Q-in-Q, or by it’s formal IEEE definition, 802.

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